Stellarity v2.0c
- ⚡ Reduced the amount of Illagers spawning inside even further to aid performance.
End Village
- 🔥 Increased frequency of both End Villages, but increased spacing and separation
- 🔥 Chance to generate Ender Village instead of an End City reduced (33% -> 28%)
- 🐛 Fixed Shulker Boxes in Fletcher houses not generating any loot.
End City
- 🔥 Increased frequency of both End Villages, but increased spacing and separation
- 🐛 Fixed chests in smaller towers generating with no loot.
Chapel of Light
- 🐛 Fixed weird Chapel terrain adaptation
- 🐛 Fixed abnormal Chapel generation rates
- ⚡ Reworked damage system. It is now a lot quicker and easier for other datapack devs to hook to.
- ✨ Reworked how armor penetration works.
kohara here with a quick explanation:
Some weapons have armor penetration, meaning that damage they deal ignores a % of enemy armor.
In v2.0b and below, this would directly reduce the amount of armor and armor toughness by a given percent in the calculations. In this version and so on, this instead makes a % of damage completely ignore armor and enchantments. This makes armor penetration more powerful in general, but required some rebalancing.
TL;DR: high armor penetration = armor being less effective at blocking that type of damage.
- 🐛 Fixed custom armor textures breaking with shaders.
Requires either CIT Resewn or OptiFine to apply fix.
Frigid Harvester
- ✨ New texture! Made by Brokenemp, and it is definitely better than the nonsense I made myself.
- 🔥 Lessened damage scaling and damage gains. It is now generally easier to get to +9. It is also easier to get past that point without farming Withers or Wardens.
- 🐛 Fixed non-melee attacks being able to proc Frostburn.
Golden Chorus Fruit
- ✨ Increased teleportation radius (1500 -> 2500).
- 🐛 Fixed players being teleported on top of the roof if eaten in The Nether.
- 🔥 Prismatic Inferno nerf: PInferno no longer has 30% armor penetration.
- 🔥 Reduced Prismatic Inferno duration (6s -> 5s)
- 🐛 Fixed max stacks being 4 rather than 5 as intended.
- 🐛 Fixed Stella sometimes applying 2 Inferno stacks at once.
- 🐛 Fixed missing sounds when attacking.
- 🐛 Fixed missing particles on stacked Inferno damage.
- ✨ Executed entity now takes knockback.
- 🔥 Dark Decay armor penetration nerfed (80% -> 60%).
- 🔥 Reduced boss execute treshold (15% -> 10%).
- 🐛 Fixed non-melee attacks being able to proc Dark Decay.
Cursed Tome
- 🐛 Fixed a few more translation issues which were accidentaly left in v2.0b.
- ✨ Punched entity now takes knockback.
- ✨ Punch debuffs are now applied before dealing damage.
- ✨ Increased punch armor penetration (40% -> 60%).
Starstuck Carcanet
- ✨ Increased star damage (3 -> 4)
Spirit Dagger
- ✨ Increased teleport slash attack armor penetration (50% -> 100%).
- 🔥 Reduced extra teleport slash damage per level of Sweeping Edge on each Dagger (+0.75 -> 0.5).
- ✨ Reduced max charge time by 0.5s.
- ✨ Now unbreakable, just like the Dragonblade.
- 🔥 Discharge damage gets reduced further by Blast Protection enchantment.
Flask of Frost
- 🐛 Fixed non-melee attacks being able to proc Frostburn.
Nature's Wrath
- ✨ Reduced Oak Sapling price amount (24 -> 12).
- 🔥 Forest Spirits now grant Absorption instead of Health Boost, reduced effect duration (17s -> 8s).
- 🔥 Removed 15% armor penetration from regular Spirits.
- 🔥 Reduced chance for a Librarian to sell Nature's Wrath (66% -> 50%).
- 🔥 Reduced the duration of Regeneration from Ocean Spirits.
- 🔥 Reduced the movement speed reduction of Ocean Spirits (-15% -> -10%).
- 🔥 Reduced Slowness and Weakness duration from Snow Spirits by 1s each.
- 🔥 Reduced base Spirit damage by 1 (5 -> 4).
- 🐛 Fixed Hallowed Spirits dealing 1.4 damage to undead mobs instead of 14.
- 🐛 Fixed Snow Spirits being unable to be fired.
- 🐛 Fixed default Spirit Wolves spawned being level 5 instead of level 1.
Shulker Armor
- 🔥 Now also reduces Attack Speed by 10%.
Empress of Light
- 🐛 Fixed Absorption cheese. This was a thing because of how old damage system worked. With my new and expanded one, this is no longer possible.
Stellarity v2.0b
The Hallow
- ✨ Increased the amount of ambient Cherry Leaves particles.
Altar of The Accursed
- ✨ Slightly changed the overall structure.
End Exit Portal.
- ✨ Replaced 4 elevated Obsidian with 4 elevated Bedrock blocks to prevent them from being destroyed.
- ✨ Rebalanced loot tables.
- ✨ Improved End Portal ambient sounds.
- 🔥 Nerfed Vindicator damage.
- ⚡ Reduced the amount of Illagers which spawn to aid performance.
- 🐛 Fixed a couple of generation issues.
End Cities
- ✨ Rebalanced loot tables.
- ✨ Redesigned a couple of rooms.
- 🔥 Nerfed Spawners.
- 🔥 Both buffed and nerfed Shulkers. More on that later below.
- 🔥 Decreased generation rate by about 25%.
- 🐛 Fixed all 4 chests in Ships having both wrong and same loot in all of them.
Illager Campsite
- ✨ Introduced proper loot tables for chests.
- 🔥 No longer contain Illager Spawners - now 3 Pillagers and 2 Vindicators are spawned upon generation.
Ender Village
- 🔥 Nerfed generation rate by about 25%.
Void Fish
- ✨ Added textures for all 10 of new fish.
- ✨ Each fish now has different effects upon being eaten.
However only some of them are beneficial. Just not to say
- ✨ Bubblefish now uses a Pufferfish as base item.
- ✨ Eating the
ultra super rare (not really)
collectible Pufferfish now gives 200 EXP.
Ancient Plating
- ✨ Added a small explanation of its usage to its description.
Hallowed Ingot
- ✨ Added a small explanation of its usage to its description.
- 🐛 Fixed wrong name color.
Shulker Armor
- 🔥 Reduced Shulker Bullet spawn chance (60% -> 33%)
- 🐛 Fixed the
Infinite Bullet Hell
Nature's Wrath
- ✨ Added its own texture (which was left in my
folder for some reason and went unused in v2.0a) - 🐛 Fixed missing dedicated item line
Soaring Insignia
- ✨ Added a notice to the description which mentions it works only while sneaking.
Cursed Tome
- 🐛 Fixed a plethora of typos and translation issues.
Like seriously, there were so many...
- ✨ Increased the chance to inflict Darkness on higher difficulties (25% -> 33%)
- 🐛 Fixed the higher difficulty on-hit Darkness ignoring Shield.
- 🐛 Fixed the Hard difficulty on-hit Nausea ignoring Shield.
Ender Dragon
- 🔥 Reduced armor and armor toughness
Empress of Light
- ✨ TRIPLED EXP drops, for both nighttime and daytime form.
- 🔥 Reduced armor and armor toughness
- 🐛 Fixed being able to cheese her with a Boat/Minecart
- ⚡ Reduced the amount of particles drawn for the pseudo-model
- 🐛 Capped Pixie count at 40 to fix the Paper-based server infinite Pixie spawn rates.
- ✨ Increased bullet damage (4 -> 7)
- 🔥 Nerfed Levitation from bullets by 50% (10s -> 5s)
Both changes apply only to Shulkers found in End Cities.
These changes were made in order to nerf easy exploring of Cities by using the Levitation effect to get to higher spots.
- ✨ Increased
Timeless Traveler
EXP reward by 50% (3000 -> 4500) - 🔥 Nerfed EXP rewards of all advancements which had them.
Full changelog available HERE