Added: -> New kit type (the thing that drops by killing mobs), armour kit. Repair the armour in survival (5% of total durability) or 40% armour value in competitive mode -> CZ Evo3 Iron Rouge
Improved: -> AI movement speed under demolition reduced from 1.2 to 1.05 -> AI movement speed under escort increased from 1.1 to 1.2 -> Weapon stat and asset optimizations
Fixed: -> "Negative strength" blocks (i.e. bedrocks...etc) will invert the block pen reduction and cause infitity damage
Added: -> Re added bob scale to model properties -> FAMAS -> M18 series for colour: Blue, Grey, Purple, Red, Yellow
Improved: -> Almost all weapons gets animation update -> Smoke Rendering (texture, now rolls a bit over time too) -> Decrease the size of the entity health bars and names -> Third person view when holding a weapon -> Entities now blocks binocular scans -> Better looking and consistency for all weapons in 3rd person (on ground, GUI, itemframe...etc) -> Decreased the render size of gun dropping on the ground in competitive modes -> Mob dropped kits/suppliers now checks for extended collisions every 5 ticks instead of 2 -> Min fireanimation time changed from 3 to 4 ticks -> Reload Time Changed: P226(38->43) | SW1911(40->42) | Beretta92FS(40->44) | Glock (40->44) | MK20(52->54) | XM8(54->51) | SG556(55->53) | AK12(56->58) | M16VN(47->51) | SA58(47->57) | KELTEC(52->60) | AK47(40->43) | SCAR-L(52->57) | Mosin Nagant([13->11], [21->15], [13->12]) | M24(36->39) | SR-25(40->42) | FR-F2(43->47) | MK.18(45->48) | Remington870([5->6], [13->12], [13->17]) | MP5K(40->43) | CZ Evo3(47->43) | FN-TPS([5->6], [13->12], [13->17]) -> Draw Time Changed: P226(15->16) | SW1911(15->16) | Glock (10->12) | MK20(25->26) | XM8(22->23) | AK12(25->24) | M16VN(22->24) | KELTEC(20->21) | AK47(22->27) | SCAR-L(27->23) | Mosin Nagant (17->10) | M24(10->12) | FR-F2(20->18) | DS1-R(13->12) | X95R(18->17) | Remington870(20->24) | MP5K(40->43) | CZ Evo3(15->16) | FN-TPS(20->24) -> Models/Textures adjusted: D.Defense 10ga, DSR--1, MK.18, Mosin Nagant(s), P226, RK95, SG556(s), SW1911 Colt, CZ Evo3 Skorpion(s), FN-TPS, FR-F2(s), Remington(s), SA58 Para(s) -> Rendering functionality optimizations for efficiencies -> Adjusted entity hardness for leopard tanks -> Updated NeoForge, JEI, and Parchment versions
Fixed: -> Crash on colouring Knut's M110 -> Slightly readjusted AVA Colouring Table GUI to reflect the rendering changes over multiple Minecraft versions -> Minimap friendly sight should be transparent -> Model translating on negative directions were 4 times more than it should be, stupid bug didn't realised for years somehow -> Gamemodes can be bugged on their running state if the player login into worlds with different modes -> Crash on server -> Knut's M119 Recipe -> Potential crash on receiving existing scoreboard object -> Custom sync to guarantee the vanilla scoreboard boject exists on client
(Might be more changes that I forgot what those were) Added: -> PPSH-41 -> Simple models for model components (magazines...etc) -> M67 Pumpkin
Improved: -> Optimized simple models -> M67 series animation -> Gun item entity now only shows within 15 instead of 20 blocks -> Changed AI weapons to lower quad count ones -> Further improved simple models
Fixed: -> Missing blood mark rendering -> Grenade mark rendering -> Bullet penetration calculation -> AKS74U has wrong category -> Crash when using playtype command -> Deferred image display no longer cleared -> Some issue with saving itemstacks -> P90 looks too big on ground
Last 1.20.6
Added: -> ADS firing now uses animation instead of pure offset (smoother) -> M18 Yellow, M18 Blue -> Re-added JEI
Improved: -> Decreased projectile trail line width -> All anim: P226, FG42, MK20, SCAR-L, MP5SD5, All Projectiles -> Idle anim: AK47 -> Draw anim: AK47, FN-FNC, SR-2M, X95R -> Fire anim: Beretta 92FS, AK47, Colt SW1911 -> Reload anim: Beretta 92FS, AK-12, AK47, FN-FNC, X95R, XM8, SA58, M1 Garand, Colt SW1911 -> Model/Texture: All Projectiles, FG42 Series, FN-FNC Series, MP5SD5. X95R Series, XM8 Series -> MK20 draw speed increased -> FN-FNC draw speed decreased -> FG42 reload speed decreased -> AI will no longer use parachute if no place to land -> Increased the effect of the parachute
Fixed: -> Leopard bounding box -> Translation tooltip for RPG Box -> Some problem with filling sceen blank sides when running
Added: -> add an optional command [list] to show existing teamspawn in teamspawn command
Improved: -> Redone all custom bobbing animation -> Tried to add transition animation when switching stances, i.e. run -> walk, walk -> idle...etc -> Removed delayed player movement check (player consider stopped after stop moving for couple ticks) -> Some weapon run hand animations -> Some weapon reload animations -> Some animation code optimization
Fixed: -> Some crash due to incorrect translation argument -> Error when saving some gun item entity -> Setting c4 defused flag locally -> Reload icon rendering conflicts with pickup item rendering and hurt indicator
Improved: -> Lang update, convert most of possible entry to translatable -> Accuracy of soldiers increased to 4x instead of 2x when target is marked by uav -> Completely removed old dimension/worldgen/weather code -> Syncing efficiency (only send changed data) and fixes
Fixed: -> Mob muzzle flame wont go away -> Fixed a lot of language issues -> Fixed an error message when serializing empty itemstack -> Fixed crash on soldiers locating objects -> Sniper scope ads rendering when standing on pickable weapons -> Server crash on startup
Added: -> Added shake meter on sniper ADS -> Robinson XCR -> M18 Red, II, III
Improved: -> Entities does not block bionocular vision now -> Scaling of G36 model -> Updated to latest NeoForge
Fixed: -> AWM bolt rotated the wrong way -> Projectiles falsely using default item model for enttiy rendering -> Crash upon explosive barrel explode -> Explosive barrel does not dealt damage -> AVA mobs dealing twice as much damage as it should
Added: -> AWM -> AKS-74U -> Redo weapon spread calculation, it is now more appropriate (i.e. fntps with birdshot attachment no longers has extreme low accuracy)
Improved: -> Increased all weapon on floor size -> Some pistol on ground size -> Default preset weapon changes -> Leopard on-hit sound -> Leopards and smart AIs are now forced rendered despite the range -> Remington and FN-TPS can now magnify
Fixed: -> Vanilla hand bobbing no longer works -> Under compeititve mode, if the gamemode is not running there's a chance players dont get new equipments upon respawn -> Leopard has wrong bounding box for raytracing -> Potential fix to smart entity freezing randomly -> All gamemode has 1.5x AIs on EU side despite it is not escort mode
Added: -> AK47 Blitz -> DSR-1
Improved: -> Bullet range attenuation halved -> In escort EU now has 1.5x team size against NRF -> AI now has doubled accuracy when attacking uav captured target
Fixed: -> NRF soldiers moves to but not disarming C4s -> Flashing one player will cause all players in the server flashed
Added: -> RPG Weapon Box block only valid under competitive -> Hardened iron bars, just iron bars but more likely bullet proof, valid under survival -> Additions to complete Escort Mode (UI, other stuff...) -> G36KA1 -> AI now has visibility tolerances where they will remember the last location of target appeared before losing contact (2s) -> New uav mark (jsut purple) under escort mode
Improved: -> Leopard icon on minimap -> AI names now hidden in minimaps -> Damage scaling of AI changed -> Weapon in escort now dispawns after 400 ticks instead of 200 -> Bullets now has a lot more damage attenuation over distance -> Correctly calculated block and entity penetration and damage deductions -> AI dropped weapon will now always have at least half of 3 times of its max capacity as backup -> RPG7 damage decreased -> No longer try to sync data during player respawn as it is no longer required -> Hardness of iron bars and glass are dramatically reduced -> Tolerace for entity hitbox for bullet raytracing increased from 5x to 10x
Fixed: -> M202 and RPG rockets no longer triggers the projectile indicator -> Leopard health not synced to client -> Some issues in escort mode -> Reload is always not completed on client -> Adding from above, weapons like mosing nagant, remmington they reload capacity + 1 times instead although it does not actually consume anything -> Some world data not correctly sent to client -> Cleared animation data for AI dropped weapons
Added: -> Leopard Entities, not for survival but escort mode -> new Plain Smoke entity, to represent the smoke positions and is now consistent between all players in terms of random position offset and random size -> M1 Garand, M1 Garand R-Lab -> RPG-7 -> Smoke now blocks smart AI visions -> Entities now blocks smart AI visions in some way.
Improved: -> Reduced packet amount -> Some changes in gamemode commands -> setMaxPlayer command extracted from all gamemodes -> M202/GM94 damage removed from server config, use datapacks instead. -> Overall AI damage under various difficulty is increased from factor of 0.15/0.2/0.35/0.4 to 0.4/0.5/0.7/1.0 from peaceful to difficult -> Overall AI spread under various difficulty is increased from factor of 2.2/2.1/2.0/1.9 to 1.6/1.3/1.0/0.2 from peaceful to difficult -> Overall AI movement speed under various difficulty is increased from factor of 0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0 to 0.6/0.65/0.7/0.76 from peaceful to difficult, and is also affected by current running gamemode -> M202 rocket no longer has gravity -> Smart AI max attack ranged changed from fixed to variable by the weapon range -> Smart AI now strafes if they have a fixed target -> Some better network transmissions
Fixed: -> Updated to the latest NeoForge -> Some values of cross world were not saved nor synced -> Under competitive mode upon respawn if player is sneaking then they gets permanent doubled movement speed -> M202 rocket no longer has trails -> AI shooting sound does not have variable pitch -> All on-hit particles were not shown -> All weapons now has at least 15% penetration against blocks, for sure. -> Some problem again with ads -> Special weapons not included in AVA Crafting Table -> Entity raytracing ignoring entities they are in upon spawn