🌞 New
- Material Pack System! Add materialpacks to basicweapons_materialpacks in your Minecraft root to get new data driven weapons. Make your own packs at https://www.khazoda.com/basicweapons/materialpacks
⚙️ Changes
- Dev facing: client render mixins have been un-hardcoded to allow for the materialpack system. (This will no longer be relevant in 1.21.4+ though anyway)
🔧 Fixes
- benign enchantment namespace error
- weapon_attributes updated to new value standard set in 2.1.0 of Better Combat mod
🌏 Languages
- Added French (~50%). Thank you ejfour15!
- Added Hungarian (100%). Thank you Kiwo_!
🌞 New
- First Multiloader release for Fabric & NeoForge with feature parity to previous fabric-only version
⚙️ Changes
- Gold, iron (and bronze if installed) weapons can be smelted into their nugget forms, same as vanilla weapons
🔧 Fixes
- Both fabric and neo use the same semi data-driven enchantmenent blacklisting system which is now more robust and extensible
- Fix sweeping edge triggering on weapons that it shouldn't under certain conditions
- Made tags for certain items less brittle and conform better to standards
- Club variant recipes are now grouped in the recipe book
- long bladed weapons (dagger, glaive) can now cut through cobweb properly
🌏 Languages
- No new languages, but existing languages have been updated with new translations
🌞 New
- Updated to 1.21.4
⚙️ Changes
- Glaive, Spear & Quarterstaff are now rendered in-hand with the new conditional item model system. This is mainly a non-userfacing change, but will make the mod more stable in the long run.
- New mod icon
🔧 Fixes
- Daggers and Glaives now cut things properly like swords do (e.g. cobweb, melons)
- Fixed issue 33
This is a small bug-fix release, addressing issues with mod compatibility
🔧 Fixes
- Fixed bronze weapons sometimes having incorrect attack animations (https://github.com/Khazoda/bronze/issues/27)
- Fixed attack range conflict bug (vanilla entity reach modifier is only applied if Better Combat isn't present)
🌞 New
- Updated to 1.21.3
⚙️ Changes
- fabricloader requirement bumped to 0.15.0
🔧 Fixes
- Overhauled the enchantment-selection system introduced in 1.2.4 for 1.21. Now compatible with third party enchantments.
- Overhauled item registration & weapon data encapsulation, cutting down on a lot of redundant code.
- Unified weapons into one parent class rather than two, now that sweeping can be disabled without a dodgy mixin
🌏 Languages
- total translatable strings shrunk due to enchantment fixes
- fixed quarterstaff not having increased range
- fixed bronze hammer having incorrect damage value
- buffed golden hammer to behave more like other golden weapons
- buffed diamond hammer and nerfed iron hammer attack speed to behave like vanilla axes
- buffed netherite hammer attack speed to be a more useful end-game go-to weapon
- buffed dagger attack speed to make attack rhythm feel better and to make weapon a more viable choice
- farmers delight recipe compatibility (knife/dagger)
New supported languages
- Vietnamese
- Korean
- Polish
- Romanian
- Swedish
Thank you Yes20name, Darkwhite, DanioMalinowy, Ardufish123 and Harjjw!
- Using new versioning system, includes the +minecraft_version in filename
This mini-patch should bring all the weapons closer together in terms of potential power. The dagger didn't feel like it had enough of an advantage to be a serious pick, while the hammer was too situational. These buffs and nerfs should remedy that.
- buffed dagger attack speed to make attack rhythm feel better and to make weapon a more viable choice
- buffed golden hammer to behave more like other golden weapons
- buffed diamond hammer and nerfed iron hammer attack speed to behave like vanilla axes
- buffed netherite hammer attack speed to be a more useful end-game go-to weapon
- farmers delight recipe compatibility (knife/dagger)
New supported Languages
- Vietnamese
- Korean
- Polish
- Romanian
- Swedish
Thank you Yes20name, Darkwhite, DanioMalinowy, Ardufish123 and Harjjw!