UPDATE 1.20.2-1.2 (Forge) 1.2 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20.1-2.4 (Forge) 2.4 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-2.5 (Forge) 2.5 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-7.6 (Forge) 7.8 (Fabric)
This update is split into two for the new coming lost soul city. On which is an underground city that is coming and being currently added along the update slide. This will be the final update for the structure.
NEW STRUCTURE -lost_soul_city_part2 -lost_soul_city_part3 -lost_soul_city_part4 -soul_ruins1 -soul_ruins2 -soul_ruins3 -level_ruin_three11
BIOME PLACEMENT -The Lost Soul City can spawn in all cave biomes, or any caves in general.
STRUCTURE WEIGHT CHANGES -All some structures such as cobblestone ruins and rocks had a 15% decrease in spawn measurements. -The lost soul city lowered in its spawn weight.
STRUCTURE MOB SPAWN -The spawns wither skeleton increases the spawn measure to min count 2. -The structure can now spawn skeletons.
STRUCTURE FEATURE CHANGES -The Lost Soul City's floor will have more deepslate tiles randomly placed.
UPDATE 1.20.2-1.2 (Forge) 1.2 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20.1-2.4 (Forge) 2.4 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-2.5 (Forge) 2.5 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-7.6 (Forge) 7.8 (Fabric)
This update is split into two for the new coming lost soul city. On which is an underground city that is coming and being currently added along the update slide. This will be the final update for the structure.
NEW STRUCTURE -lost_soul_city_part2 -lost_soul_city_part3 -lost_soul_city_part4 -soul_ruins1 -soul_ruins2 -soul_ruins3 -level_ruin_three11
BIOME PLACEMENT -The Lost Soul City can spawn in all cave biomes, or any caves in general.
STRUCTURE WEIGHT CHANGES -All some structures such as cobblestone ruins and rocks had a 15% decrease in spawn measurements. -The lost soul city lowered in its spawn weight.
STRUCTURE MOB SPAWN -The spawns wither skeleton increases the spawn measure to min count 2. -The structure can now spawn skeletons.
STRUCTURE FEATURE CHANGES -The Lost Soul City's floor will have more deepslate tiles randomly placed.
UPDATE 1.20.2-1.2 (Forge) 1.2 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20.1-2.4 (Forge) 2.4 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-2.5 (Forge) 2.5 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-7.6 (Forge) 7.8 (Fabric)
This update is split into two for the new coming lost soul city. On which is an underground city that is coming and being currently added along the update slide. This will be the final update for the structure.
NEW STRUCTURE -lost_soul_city_part2 -lost_soul_city_part3 -lost_soul_city_part4 -soul_ruins1 -soul_ruins2 -soul_ruins3 -level_ruin_three11
BIOME PLACEMENT -The Lost Soul City can spawn in all cave biomes, or any caves in general.
STRUCTURE WEIGHT CHANGES -All some structures such as cobblestone ruins and rocks had a 15% decrease in spawn measurements. -The lost soul city lowered in it's spawn weight.
STRUCTURE MOB SPAWN -The spawns wither_skeleton increase the spawn measure to min count 2. -The structure can now spawn skeletons.
STRUCTURE FEATURE CHANGES -The Lost Soul City's floor will have more deepslate tiles randomly placed
UPDATE 1.20.2-1.1 (Forge) 1.1 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20.1-2.3 (Forge) 2.3 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-2.4 (Forge) 2.4 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-7.5 (Forge) 7.7 (Fabric)
This update is split into two for the new coming lost soul city. On which is an underground city that is coming and being currently added along the update slide.
NEW STRUCTURE -lost_soul_city_start -lost_soul_city_part1
NEW STRUCTURE PROCESSOR -A new structure processor has been added for the lost soul city.
NEW LOOT TABLES -A new loot table has been added to the new lost soul city.
UPDATE 1.20.2-1.0 (Forge) 1.0 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20.1-2.2 (Forge) 2.2 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-2.3 (Forge) 2.3 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-7.4 (Forge) 7.6 (Fabric)
-Philip's Ruins 1.20.2 is out now.
BUG FIXES -Fixed overhanging structures. -Fixed the lost_soul dungeon from spawning at surface levels. -Fixed random crash from loading Philip's Ruins