UPDATE 1.20.1-1.8 (Forge) 1.8 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-1.9 (Forge) 1.9 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.4-3.0 (Forge) 3.0 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.3-7.1 (Forge) 7.3 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-7.0 (Forge) 7.2 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -desert_ruin6 -desert_ruin7
TEXTURE CHANGES -The sandstone tiles and the red sandstone tiles both had a small texture update to make them look more ruined.
UPDATE 1.20.1-1.7 (Forge) 1.7 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.20-1.8 (Forge) 1.8 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.4-2.9 (Forge) 2.9 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.3-7.0 (Forge) 7.2 (Fabric) UPDATE 1.19.2-6.9 (Forge) 7.1 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -desert_ruin4 -desert_ruin5
LOOT CHANGES -All desert ruin's loot tables have been, changed to be a little more exciting.