Added Pumpkillager summoning event, thanks to @noeppi-noeppi on Github for the PR!
Changed when the message scheduler is ran.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Tweaked conversation text and timing.
Fixed book whisper messages not being timed correctly in a server.
Changed pumpkin block tag
Added config option to determine how much experience the final boss should drop on death.
The melee prisoner camp guard now steps off horse when the prisoner is shouting.
The first ritual can now only be completed after accepting the quest.
Added sound when the final boss has been killed.
Stopped the prisoner guard from attacking the prisoner.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Fixed an exception due to the prisoner's player target being null.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Fixed config value description.
Updated structure generation code.
Fixed the final boss receiving damage incorrectly.
Added colour to rider names in prison.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added config option to set the max health of the final boss.
Fixed conversation value.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Prevented the prisoner of moving during the initial talk.
Added config option to determine if the Pumpkillager should spawn when a player is in creative mode.
Cleaned up code.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Made the check if the pumpkin is free for spawning the Pumpkillager less strict. It now only needs an air pocket in the NESW directons and above.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added config option to determine chance of Pumpkillager spawning when a pumpkin is broken, by default 0.1.
The pumpkillager won't spawn anymore when another one is already nearby.
The pumpkillager will only spawn when the pumpkin broken is free, e.g. with air blocks around and above. To prevent it spawning inside a "pumpkin structure".
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Fixed the prisoner camp not generating correctly at the specified coordinates.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
The Pumpkillager now makes different sounds, depending on the encounter.
Fixed the prisoner not despawning after relog.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at: