1.9.0-beta.4 release:
- fix: Forge Mod List Config Button works now
- While using "Edit GUI Locations" on main menu (when not connected to any server) have known visual problems. WIP
- fix: disable tab list parsing when related features off
- fix: Chroma Enchant Tooltips closes #38
- fix: ButtonSelect localization
- update: Show Feature Name is now default on Edit GUI
- add: Turn All Texts Chroma
- code cleanup and minor optimizations
Currently SBA conflicts with Polyfrost team's mods. They are aware of issue. I'm waiting for them to fix it.
1.9.0-beta.3 release:
- fix: SkyHanni conflict #34
- fix: Chroma is breaking fonts #33
- add: Dwarven Base Camp to Fancy Warp closes #32
- upgrade: Mixin and add MixinExtras (revert 081b942)
- remove: "Outline Dungeon Teammates" from main menu
- Its feature setting of "Show Entity Outlines"
If you encounter a issue related to "Show Entity Outline" or feature that does not work, you can report it via GitHub issues.
1.9.0-beta.2 release:
- fix: version name length on /sba
- fix: Locked Slot is invisible until hovered over closes #30
- fix: EssenceType niceName localization
- Turkish ı letter
- update: gui social buttons
- add: set en_US as a fallback instead of path name
- If you chose language other than English for SBA, this feature will complete missing translates with English instead of path e.g. "settings.thunderBottleDisplay"
1.9.0-beta.1 release:
- fix: GuiChest font rendering closes #28
- code cleanup
1.8.9 hotfix release changelog:
- fix: Chroma Enchant Tooltips closes #27
- minor cleanup
1.8.8 release changelog:
- feature: Thunder Bottle Display with dynamically updated bottle texture
- feature: Fire Freeze Timer F3/M3 and options for it
- feature: Hide Haunted Skulls from Soulweaver Gloves
- feature: old SBA detection on launch
- update: Frozen and Worm Bait
- update: Compact Jerry Power Ups on Compact Tab List
- update: modid closes #22
- update: new mining zones
- fix: Dolphin Pet Tracker fixes
- fix: Backpacks with skin shows 6 rows on Backpack Preview
- fix: reloadRes not reload completely
- fix: Treat Cobblestone and Quartz as ores for Rock pet tracker @qtlunya
- fix: Number Separators option should only be in General Settings
- fix: wrong version string ingame
- Backend overhaul
With this update, SBA now uses Mixins instead of ASM.
1.8.8 release changelog:
- feature: Thunder Bottle Display with dynamically updated bottle texture
- feature: Fire Freeze Timer F3/M3 and options for it
- feature: Hide Haunted Skulls from Soulweaver Gloves
- feature: old SBA detection on launch
- update: Frozen and Worm Bait
- update: Compact Jerry Power Ups on Compact Tab List
- update: modid closes #22
- update: new mining zones
- fix: Dolphin Pet Tracker fixes
- fix: Backpacks with skin shows 6 rows on Backpack Preview
- fix: reloadRes not reload completely
- fix: Treat Cobblestone and Quartz as ores for Rock pet tracker @qtlunya
- fix: Number Separators option should only be in General Settings
- fix: wrong version string ingame
- Backend overhaul
With this update, SBA now uses Mixins instead of ASM.
- update: modid #22
- add: Hide Haunted Skulls from Soulweaver Gloves
- update: get full version on version command
- fix: reloadRes not reload completely