- Pushing a flint block agains an iron or netherite block will create sparks. If wood is nearby the block will catch on fire.
Opposite can also happen when sliding an iron block agains a flint block
- Same functionality also works with quark magnets
- Quark arrow usage ticker now correctly works with quivers
- Requires latest quark beta
- Ropes can now generate in mineshafts when above y = 24
- A new rare mineshaft center piece has been added. It's a 3 tiers mineshaft elevator which includes a pulley contraption and some loot!
- Evokers can now wololoo wandering traders
- Fixed pulley blocks having incorrect rotations on certain directions
Urns can no longer drop cobwebs, pumpkin and melon seeds. Also replaced sacks for bundles
Doormats no longer have a collision shape
Pedestals now will always have an inventory when they dont have a solid block or pedestal above even when they themselves are empty
Fixed a quiver bug
Fixed present dye recipe not working
Added more recipes to dye candle holders directly
Other misc fixes