V 1.4.1:
- Custom Map Markers are now data driven. You can add simple ones by adding simple jsons in data/map_markers folder, followed by a texture in the textures/map folder. Here is a simple example
{ "id": "supplementaries:lodestone", "target_block": { "block": "minecraft:lodestone", "predicate_type": "minecraft:block_match" } }
- Renamed "This is the Wae" advancement. It will be missed :(
- Cakes can now accept more modded syrups. That category is also now controlled by a tag
- Empty sacks will no longer count toward the Overencumbered effect
- Rope wobbling effect can be configured
- Flute and Cage interactions now have a higher priority and use a forge event instead. This will allow them to work on more modded mobs
- Faucets can now provide infinite water when in front of a water block
- Blacklisted urns from spawning in the twilight forest. Additionally urns can only spawn below sea level in places that do not have sky access
- Fixed skull piles upper head not saving custom player data
- Fixed double cakes not working properly
- Fixed Overencumbered effect not getting cleared on higher levels
- Fixed antique ink recipe consuming other items
- Added more modded items to tags
V 1.4.0: Sounds and Improvements
- Added many new sounds. These includes things for the following blocks and items:
Presents, Sacks, Clocks, Faucets, Slingshots, Bubbles and Bubble Blower, Cranks, Ropes, Bellows and of course Globes and Jars
- Having multiple sacks in your inventory now applies a new "Overencumbered" effect which slows down your ability to move
First level disables sprinting, second halves jump height, third also slows
- Sign posts, Wall Lanterns and Hanging signs can now be attached to placed sticks
- Dispensers and Dispenser Minecarts can now shoot Enderpearls!
- Sacks now emit a sound when falling, like anvils
- Sliding down ropes plays a new sound. Step sound is also removed while falling
- Slightly tweaked bubble pop particle
- Walking on horizontal ropes will now wobble your screen
- Jar liquid box dimensions can be configured with resource packs through a json file in the texture folder
- Added a config to set bombs fuse time
- Improved placed items logic
- Signs now support dynamic language support
- Added some missing tags like forge:wrench for wrenches. This might make them work with modded contraptions
- Fixed a possible crash when catching some fishes from other mods with jars
- Fixed slingshots projectiles not playing the place block sounds all the time
- Sign posts now properly work when below y 0
- Removed some possible memory leak from blackboard texture generation
- Cakes no longer duplicate candles or mess with modded ones
- Falling lanterns no longer delete the block they land on
- bubble blocks now remember their age after saving
- Cages can no longer interact with players
- Manually unwinding ropes will prioritize placing the resulting item into an existing rope stack in your inventory allowing you to continue unwinding
- Flywheel optional dependency is now only needed on client side
- Fixed some missing textures
- Increased ash layer particles
- Fixed incompatibility with immersive weathering (I can't even keep my own stuff compatible with eachother T_T)
V 1.3.4:
- Fluid system is now entirely data driven
- This means you can add new fluids or even modify existing ones through datapacks and jsons. Check out the existing ones for an example!
- Note that the fluids you add will still be able to only exist inside jars and goblets if they dont have an equivalent forge one (which can too be specified in the json file)
- Restored integration with newly updated 1.18.2 mods like create and botania
- Fixed some soap recipes
- Added wall lanterns and hanging signs hitting sounds
- Added some optional silver and lead lanterns
- Improved some tags
Supplementaries v 1.3.0
- Changed placeable block system to hopefully work better with other mods
- Hopefully improved way sign accuracy and performance
- Fixed a crash when looking at enchanted books blocks
- Sticks and flags can now burn
- Waterlogged blocks like ropes can no longer burn
- Player statues will now show their name when being looked at
- Way sign generation can now be tweaked via tags
v 1.2.2 BETA
Version still experimental
- Added Trapped Presents. They can hold any item but have special interaction with explosives, potions, bombs and spawn eggs
- Blackboards now use baked models instead of tile entity renderer, making them faster to load and support block shadows allowing to be seemingly tiled
- Wrenches and turn tables can now rotate more blocks like wall floor ceiling blocks like grindstone or levers
- Added experimental placeable block system. Might need some testing but should be functionaly identical to the previous while providing better compatibility. Modded compat items aren't included
- Added integration with Map Atlas and Waystones mods, allowing markers to be placed by using an atlas directly on a block and by having waystone markers
- Changed gunpowder sound
- Added option to make flags render as horizontal banners
- Cauldrons can now interact with flags, blackboards and maps
- Blackboards now use a block model instead of the tile renderer to render their main face. This means they will have diffuse lighting and render alot faster. Fixed some blackboards bugs
- Fixed sign registration messing with other mods wood planks by loading their item too early
- Way signs structure whitelist is now handled via a tag. Requires forge latest version
- Remodeled bamboo spikes to have a simpler and more effective model
- Added back tater in a jar if Botania is installed
- Added Silver door and trapdoor, blocks that are enabled if a mod that adds that metal is installed. They act like gold doors but with inverse functionality
- Added Lead door and trapdoors, enabled if a mod that adds lead is installed. Lead is heavy and to open these you will have to click multiple times
- Added spiky bombs. Can be crafted with any lead ingot but will have extra functionality if Oreganized mod is installed
- Remodeled Brass lantern
- Fixed copper wall lanterns not being interactable
- Falling unlit lanterns will no longer set stuff on fire
V 1.2.0 Alpha. Issues might arise. Use with care and report any problems
Requires Selene Lib 1.13.0
- Added new dynamic wood detection system that detects all installed wood types from ANY mod and automatically registers and generates assets for all signs in those wood types. This features requires testing so be sure to hand me over any feedback
- Ceiling placed wall lantern will now fall and drop as a gravity block when their supporting block is broken. If fall is high enough they will break and cause a small fire
- Changed hanging sign model to now better connect to fences, walls and other similar blocks to both sides (like a bell does)
- New item and block textures for hanging signs and sign posts
- Deleted all assets related to previously manually registered mod compat signs, reducing mod file size by a bit
- Reworked wall lantern attachment system similar to hanging signs. Both of these changes will alter already placed signs and lanterns
- Streamlined lanterns and wall lantern system: copper and crimson lanterns are now just normal lanterns and they can be hung on walls using the wall lantern system.
- Changed Crimson lanterns models and textures to be more in line with the rest of the lanterns
- Hanging signs and wall lanterns will swing slower when in water
- Hanging sings now use the LOD system used by wall lanterns. This means they will switch to use a static model instead of an animated one when looked at a distance
- Added a system to add custom wall lantern mount textures to modded lanterns. Added direct compat textures to twigs, oxidized and byg lanterns
- Tweaked feather particles
- Skull piles and skull candles now properly support all modded custom heads (like t construct ones)
- Ash layers can be removed by splash water bottles
- Interacting with flax upper stage will delegate the action to the lower one, improving compatibility with mods that add auto harvest
- Added more configs
- Eating soap will now emit particles
Fixes - Hanging signs can once again sway
- Fixed urns not dropping their manually placed content when breaking after falling
- Fixed not being able to drink from jar items when enabled in the configs
- Cages can no longer catch a segment of centipede from alex mobs
- Fixed statues no longer holding tools correctly
- Fixed way signs sometimes generating partially
- Fixed mod projectiles not working correctly underwater
1.16.5 - v0.18.4: some final bug fixes
- Fixed way sign generation some times leaving signs halfway generated
- Fixed a duplication bug with sacks that had more than 9 slots
- Presents can hold a stack of 64 items as intended
- Clicking on a flax upper stage will delegate the action to its lower one. Allows harvesting mods to better interact with it
- Wrenches are now made of iron
- Changed sign recipes to not spam the log
- Tater in a jar can be rotated
0.18.4: fixed usual mixin related crash on startup