1.1.14 Update Log
- Fix Chinese language file translation (thanks @mc开始下雪)
- Fix compatibility with C^2M, now chunk generation will not crash (thanks: @Mgazul)
- Fix rare crash when maid uses crossbow (thanks: @Mgazul)
- Fix misalignment of fishing line rendering under oculus (thanks: @MaydayMemory)
- Fix compatibility with JEI, now the item icon of maid mod will not be lost when using the new version of JEI
- Fixed the client freeze problem caused by maid mod rendering after long idle time
- The maid's damage logic now considers the Minecraft team function. People in the same team will not be harmed by the maid, nor can they cause normal damage to the maid
- Change model loading to SPRL asynchronous loading to avoid the unresponsive problem caused by loading models under multi-mod integration (thanks @lcy0x1)
- Fixed a small probability crash when loading model packages
- Added a determination of tombstone generation to kill to fix the possible maid loss problem
- Fixed the problem that the 1.21.1 configuration file is not saved
- Reduced the number of faces of the Hanfu version zhiban fox model to reduce the rendering jam problem caused by it (thanks: @就叫纸板)
- Fixed the conflict with the Farmer's Delight tomato planting, and now harvesting tomatoes will not destroy the rope
- The maid will remove all potion effects when resurrecting
- Compatible with Immersive Melodies (only 1.20.1)
- Added ladder climbing function, now maids can actively climb ladders (Azumic)
- Added swimming function, now maids can actively swim (Azumic)
- Maids can now actively use shields, and will use off-hand shields to block projectile damage (Azumic)
- Fixed the error of adding air to the backpack tooltip
- Added trident function, maids can now actively use tridents to attack hostile creatures (Azumic)
- Added name prefixes for figures and cushions for easy search (Crystal1921)
- Comprehensively modified the attack range of bow, crossbows, tridents, danmaku, and gun task. Now you can customize a large range to attack
- Added Legacy4J mod language file support, now using Legacy4J mod will give some prompts (thanks: CrystalizedSun)
- Added server configuration function, you can turn on maid entity AI time detection, which is used by server owners to determine which maids cause server lag
- Now when the player sits on a vehicle, the attached maid will also ride at the same time, and the same is true when leaving (Azumic)
- Maids can now temporarily remember off-hand items and restore the previous holding state after eating food (Azumic)
- Added a new tag, which works with the configuration file to set the items that can tame maids
- Added more cakes, compatibility with cakes in the Kawaii Dishes mod
- Fairy maids are now compatible with Spawn Animation Mod animation
- Updated altar model and maid fairy model (thanks: CrystalizedSun)
- Updated default maid model package and corrected many contents (thanks: Xiaohezi, CrystalizedSun, FumyLover)
- Updated French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese translations
Fixed the rendering conflict with the
Toro Damage Indicators
mod. Now the animation pointing to the maid will not jitter -
Fixed the sound resource release problem. Now switching audio devices will not cause the maid to randomly play other sound effects
Fixed the problem of fairy maid spawning caused by bedrock ground
Greatly increased the distance of the maid using tacz firearms. There are three customizable attack ranges based on sniper rifles, rifles, and pistols
Fixed the problem of tacz usage data cache not being refreshed with version 1.0.3. Now switching guns for the maid will refresh the cache in time and strictly shoot bullets of corresponding strength.
Fixed the maid attacking armor stands, brooms and chair
Fixed the water flow destroying the chessboard
Updated the maid molang system, which is now compatible with the molang system of YSM 2.2.2 and can calculate physical animations normally
Fixed the problem that home does not reset when picking up the maid
Added more interfaces to facilitate the development of other auxiliary mod
Fixed an animation reading bug
Fixed the problem that there is no maid in the cake box summoned by the altar (1.21.1)
Fixed the problem that the mouse start position is reset when switching maid tabs (1.21.1)
Fixed the problem that the maid interface crashes when opening the maid when the TaCZ Glock gun does not exist
The maid can now use the danmaku fired by the gohei with the "Ender's End" enchantment to damage the ender dragon (1.20.1/1.21.1)
The maid can directly damage the ender dragon using TaCZ's gun (only 1.20.1)
Maids can now fire danmaku to break the Lich King's shield (1.20.1/1.21.1)
Riding AI design: Maids can now fire danmaku, shoot arrows, or use tacz guns (can be used as automatic turrets) when sitting on a cushion and in standby mode
Added a button to the maid model switching interface to turn off icon cache to avoid caching when opening for the first time
Added maid fishing function, supporting aquaculture and related auxiliary mod (such as lava fishing)
Right-click the chair to place it directly on the boat, this function can be used with fishing mode
Removed the monster list
Modified the maid GUI interface
- Added a sidebar to facilitate opening the manual and the configuration file interface of this mod
- Optimized the global configuration function of the maid: added more options (such as opening doors, opening fence gates, picking up item types, etc.), and only applies to the current maid
- Maid task configuration: Now several attack modes can directly set the attack list, and the original monster list design is abandoned
- Added entity ID replicator: used in conjunction with the attack list to facilitate players to obtain entity IDs
Added maid achievement system, designed a complete set of game process achievements and challenge achievements
Added Chinese chess and international chess, and maids can play against players (thanks to material providers: @蓝玫瑰 @流风)
Now the maid will not leave the chair or standby state when injured
Added chair-related animations, which can be specified by animation name to play only on a certain cushion
Added winning and losing chess animations, and related voice
1.21 chessboard uses optimized rendering method to prompt FPS (thanks to AR)
Added Hanfu-style wine fox and cardboard fox models, and completed the winning and losing chess animations (thanks to cardboard)
Fairy maids are not affected by fine snow and freezing
Corrected French translation
- Optimized the spawn of fairy maids to avoid server CPU usage in certain situations
- Fixed the problem that the maid fairy spawn probability configuration file could not be hot-reloaded
- Support for TacZ has been corrected:
- The shooting distance of the maid is now completely corrected, with a default range of 32-64, divided into three gears
- Sniper rifles: default r=64
- Pistols, shotguns: default r=32
- Others: default r=48
- Depending on the distance of the target, it will actively use aiming and non-aiming shooting
- Now you can control the shooting distance of the gun with a separate configuration file, which is no longer affected by other configurations
- The shooting distance of the maid is now completely corrected, with a default range of 32-64, divided into three gears
- Corrected the animation of some models
- Fixed rendering conflicts with the Retro Damage Indicators mod. Now the GeckoLib model maid will not flicker when using the soul spell to put away
- Fixed a possible game crash when entering a level
- Added sound effects to the servant bell
- Fixed issues with attacking villagers and other pets
- Added the recipe to the monster list