Fabulously Optimized is now ready for 1.18.2!
New mods
- Farsight - keeps rendered long-distance chunks visible on servers
- Forget me Chunk - fixes some chunk border lag spikes
Other major changes
- Enabled Always Defer Chunk Updates on Sodium for additional performance gains
- Added Greek translation to Mod Menu Helper by RaptaG!
- Added Korean translation to Mod Menu Helper by AlphaKR93!
Changes from beta 3
- Updated Architectury API, CompleteConfig, Custom Entity Models, Don't Clear Chat History, Entity Texture Features
- Re-added Enhanced Block Entities, Colormatic
- Removed Better Beds and FastChest
- Removed DCCH workaround as it now works with 1.18.2 directly
Time for the second stage of the vote! Read more in the Bobby issue above.
- Added Farsight for testing and voting
- Removed Bobby
- Added Greek translation to Mod Menu Helper by RaptaG!
- Unblanked empty option buttons in Puzzle
- Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, Entity Texture Features, Puzzle
- Temporarily added: Better Beds, FastChest (replacement for Enhanced Block Entities)
- Temporarily removed: Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities
Time for another public mod vote! Read more in Github!
- Added Bobby for testing and voting
- Added ForgetMeChunk which fixes some chunk border lag spikes
- Re-added AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Smooth Boot
- Updated Architectury API, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes, Puzzle
- Removed Advancements Enlarger as AdvancementInfo is back
- Enabled Always Defer Chunk Updates on Sodium for additional performance gains
- Puzzle update fixed the crash on macOS
- Fixed incompatible mods crash on GDLauncher
- Temporarily added: Better Beds, FastChest (replacement for Enhanced Block Entities)
- Temporarily removed: Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities
Time for a beta as the most visible mods are all updated.
- Re-added LambdaBetterGrass
- Updated Entity Texture Features, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
- Temporarily added: Better Beds, FastChest (replacement for Enhanced Block Entities), Advancements Enlarger (replacement for AdvancementInfo)
- Temporarily disabled/removed: AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities, Smooth Boot
- Updated Architectury API, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Indium
- Forcefully updated Reese's Sodium Options to fix video settings bug on macOS (already fixed on FO 3.3.0-alpha.2 or later)
- Updated Entity Texture Features config and Mod Menu Helper string
- Re-added 'Slight' GUI Modifications, Continuity
- Main menu version text is back
- Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Zoomify
- Updated Entity Texture Features config and Mod Menu Helper string
- Temporarily disabled/removed: AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, Smooth Boot
Sodium and friends are back!
- Updated Architectury API
- Re-added Indium, Iris Shaders, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra
- Temporarily disabled/removed: 'Slight' Gui Modifications, AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, ARRP, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Texture Features, FerriteCore, LambdaBetterGrass, Lithium, Smooth Boot
It... runs? Half of the mods are missing though, it's so alpha that it doesn't even have a version text in the main menu.
- Updated Architectury API, Cloth API, Fabric API, Mod Menu, Starlight
- Temporarily disabled/removed: 'Slight' Gui Modifications, AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, ARRP, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Texture Features, FerriteCore, Indium, Iris Shaders, LambdaBetterGrass, Lithium, Reese's Sodium Options, Smooth Boot, Sodium, Sodium Extra
- Other mods seem to work as-is
- Updated Architectury API, Better Mount HUD, Cloth Config API, Entity Culling, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabrishot, FerriteCore, Language Reload
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.13.1
- Updated FO version label's/MultiMC notes' link
- Disabled some potentially conflicting tweaks on TieFix
See an error about "cloth-client-events-v0.mixins.json"? This is known, simply launch again until I find a fix.
3.2.0 (2022-01-31)
New mods
- Entity Texture Features - random and emissive mob textures!
- Zoomify - customizable zoom!
Removed mods
- WI Zoom - superseded by Zoomify
- Updated 'Slight' Gui Modifications, Architectury API, Fabric API, FastOpenLinksAndFolders, Sodium Extra, TieFix
3.1.0 (2022-01-25)
Even though MC 1.18.2 is coming soon, I now consider FO to be stable for MC 1.18.1 and I recommend you to update to it. Major changes compared to 2.7.0:
New mods
- Starlight - improves chunk performance, 75% preferred it in the public vote (1.0.0 stable version)
- Puzzle - adds some Optifine features like emissive mobs and resource pack-provided splash screen
- TieFix - disables telemetry (sending diagnostics data to Mojang) and fixes some bugs
Removed mods
- Phosphor - replaced with Starlight as a result of the public vote
- Hydrogen - deprecated, but FerriteCore already exists and has similar features
- Colormatic temporarily removed as it breaks with the new Sodium
- Between beta 2 and stable: updated Fabric API, Reese's Sodium Options
See an error about "cloth-client-events-v0.mixins.json"? This is known, simply launch again until I find a fix.
2.7.1 (2022-01-31)
- Updated FastOpenLinksAndFolders, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
2.7.0 (2022-01-19)
Individual shader settings can now be configured!
- Updated CIT Resewn, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes
- Skipped Cloth API update as things broke