QoL Update 2.10.0:
This update fixes a lot of rendering issues and patches some bugs with shaders. Additionally, this update also adds some fun subtle effects such as new particles and weather changes, they aren't intrusive and blend well with the overall goal for P4J. I've added minimal changes to the death system and updated how armor durability is effected, allowed players to jump over walls and fences and lastly, I've added Waystones to make it easier to traverse between bases!
I appreciate you all who've patiently waited for a update, I hope you all enjoy this update! :)
added ArmorDamageLimit mod.
added c2me (NeoForge) mod.
added jump over fences mod.
added particle rain mod.
added Rendi mod.
added subtle effects mod.
added waystones mod.
updated iris to latest.
updated lithium to latest.
updated moderner beta to latest.
updated sodium to latest.
Please reset end to gain access to new End biomes.
- added Better End mod.
- added The Aether mod.
- added Revamped Phantoms mod.
- improved Legacy 4J crafting recipes.
- improved Overworld, Nether and End world borders.
- improved skyboxes for all resource assorts.
- updated limited worlds version from 0.0.5 to 0.0.53-endislands.18.
- removed Illager invasion mod.
- removed Twilight Forest mod. (copyright)
- Endermen now emulate their old behaviour. video.
If an enderman is damaged by a player it will immediately teleport (this contrasts their modern behaviour where they only have a slight chance to teleport away upon player-sourced damage)
- Ported the 'no trims' module from Classic Mechanics v1.13.0
- Removes trims from equipped armor pieces (if there are any)
Done by @Wilozyx