- Fixed an issue where monsters from the Mobs module would not delete.
- Fixed an issue with the asynchronous use of the FAWE (we)
Thank you for reporting the errors in our Discord. I am very grateful to you!
- The type of click has been changed in the schematic editor. SHIFT+RIGHT replaced by SHIFT+LEFT
- Fixed a problem with creating configurations.
- Fixed a problem with creating a generation configuration that prevented the plugin from working correctly.
- Added even more logging.
Attention! Update the PLAZMER-ENGINE to the latest version!
Thanks a lot for the help in finding the bug and testing @rayne_10!
Added more logging and more information in the command
/dungeons debug
Attention! Update the PLAZMER-ENGINE to the latest version!
- Added support for 1.21.4
- Optimized the plugin and fixed bugs that prevented it from working correctly.
- Added the auxiliary command /dungeons debug, which creates a pastebin with the necessary information for the developer.
- Problems related to completely incorrect asynchronous use of functions have also been fixed
- Added more error logging.
Be careful, some functions related to version 1.21.4 may give errors. If there are any, please report them in our discord
Upgrade the PLAZMER-ENGINE and remove all your rewards before upgrading!
All known bugs have been fixed. The multithreading is now working properly. Modules have become faster and with debug messages so that you can track errors more easily <3
Important: Delete the Editor section in your /lang/message_**.yml
- Fixed a situation where opening a chest would restart the stage backwards.
- Fixed a situation where it was impossible to open a chest.
- Fixed drop/spawn command and temporarily removed the option of random spawning by command.
- Fixed display of settings status in menus
- Other minor module fixes
Announce Module:
- Now you can create announcement templates and use them on any stage.
- Now you can set different announcements on the same stage with different times.
- Now you can set different announcements on the same stage with different times.
Chest Module:
- Added setting of reward limits.
- The item amount setting has been changed, now, you can set the amount to 1.
- Added a list of commands that will be executed when opening a chest.
(it doesn't matter how many the item is, the commands will be executed 1 time)
- Added a list of commands that will be executed when opening a chest.
- Improved random filling
- Changed the display of time to the next state of the chest. It now displays hours, minutes and seconds
- Schematic methods have been updated
Happy new year! My New Year's present is version 2.0.0!
Read the full changelog here: GITHUB LINK
⤚ Necessary to update PLAZMER-ENGINE to version 2.4 https://github.com/getplusm/Engine
Minor fixes
Towny support
- Fixed a situation where the plugin was creating an empty file on first run.
- Fixed a situation where the plugin did not delete dungeon designs on shutdown.
- Fixed changing the maximum amount of an item in the rewards menu.
- Fixed a situation where the plugin complained about starting tasks when it was already turned off.
- Fixed monster behavior.
- Fixed temporary calibrations in synchronization between holograms.
WARNING: ⤚ Necessary to update PLAZMER-ENGINE to version 2.3.9+
⤚ Create a backup copy of the /lang/ folder so as not to lose your content
Fixed a bug where you could not customize the dungeon world
Fixed a bug where a dungeon would not appear due to the lack of a world
Fixed a situation where you have multiple chests listed, but they all appear in the same chest
Changed and optimized the code for dungeon appearance, as well as reduced the load on the main thread of the server
Minor fixes
Added support for Party System. You can enable this setting in /dungeon editor and specify the number of people in a party to enter the dungeon.
Added support for KingdomX regions
Added commands for opening and closing stages. This feature will allow you to spawn your own mobs from MythicMobs & others
Added custom monster system which includes:
- Monster Type
- Monster Name
- Monster Rider
- Monster effects
- Monster Equipment
- Monster Attributes
- A bug where the dungeon was taking an infinite number of keys from players or not taking them at all
- Other, less interesting bugs
- A setting that will allow you to disable/enable a dungeon in /dungeon editor
- Reworked dungeon settings and added many new ones.
- Reload button in the editor
- Chest block limit settings
- A setting that allows you to split the loot in chests. Can now be set true - different loot, false - same loot.
- Setting that controls keys. You can now choose whether the player who activates or opens a chest will open it for all players or only for himself.
- Time parameters have been changed, it is now different for dungeons and chests. You can customize opening, closing and waiting times for chests and dungeons.
- A setting that prohibits players from entering a dungeon when it is closed
- Each chest block is now a separate chest block. At the moment, you cannot personalize each chest, but you can set the randomness of the loot drop. The CLICK opening type is now much more useful, as the player can open chests at different intervals.
- Now, if a dungeon has an active chest, it will not be deleted, but now it will be deleted until the list of active chests is empty
- Schematic method
- Location generator
- Chest block finder generator