New Else block condition
Meet with new block: Else. This block will execute actions between pistons if previous condition was not met.
Example: Player joined world -> If player name is "Notch" { Set Gamemode Creative } Else { Send Message: "Welcome to world!"}
If player's name will be "Steve" it will execute only code from Else, like sending message "Welcome to world".
It makes conditions easier to understand and easier to use.
New %list(name, index) placeholder
We added a new placeholders: %list(name, index) %list_global(name, index) %list_local(name, index) %list_saved(name, index)
If world has variable with list value with specified name and type, it will replace placeholder with value that stores in list by index (counting starts with 1).
Example: World has global variable with list value: CoolPeopleNames (Notch, Steve, Alex)
To get first value (in that case "Notch") we use placeholder in text like this: %list_global(CoolPeopleNames, 1)
- Now Left Click and Right Click events are cancellable.
- Now Show Title and Show Action Bar actions support only and only Legacy or MiniMessage formats.
- Now food level will be not changed in lobby world or world's build mode.
- Fixed issue that prevented from placing pistons on other coding platforms.
This update contains changes to localization files, to remove current and replace with new - /oc resetlocale
This update adds new subcommands for world owners. Meet with them!
- Added /environment subcommands:
- drops [on/off] - Controls items drop when player breaks coding container in dev world.
- save-location [on/off] - Controls saving or not saving last location on quit and dev mode join.
- night-vision [on/off] - Controls giving night vision on dev world join.
- sign [oak/jungle/acacia/birch/bamboo/cherry] - Changes all signs in dev world with specified type.
- container [chest/barrel] (or [black/any color...]) - Changes all coding containers in dev world with specified block (chest, barrel or colored shulker).
- Added /world subcommands:
- ban [player name] - Bans the specified player in world.
- kick [player name] - Kicks the specified player from world.
- open/close - Opens or closes access to join the world.
- spawn - Teleport to world spawn.
- setspawn - Set world's spawn.
- Added /oc sound [sound name] to play sound.
- Now default sign is BIRCH instead of oak.
- Changed /world delete [ID] -> /oc delete [ID]
- When player sets location with paper it will display a green glowing borders of block (requires ProtocolLib!)
- Fixed: Now /oc sounds [theme] saves theme to config.
- Fixed some bugs, added new bugs.
This update contains changes to localization file, use /oc resetlocale to replace current with new
New world access menu
World owners now can easily change some settings of worlds without visiting it. They can change access to public/private, mode to build/play, advertise it, join it, and delete it.
New world moderation menu
Server moderators with specific permissions or just admins now can clear world's name, description, icon; load or unload world; close the world; join the world without join message, join the developer world without join message in spectator mode.
Permissions for moderators:
- opencreative.moderation.clear-name
- opencreative.moderation.clear-description
- opencreative.moderation.clear-icon
- opencreative.moderation.connect-silent
- opencreative.moderation.connect-dev-silent
- opencreative.moderation.close-world
Custom Sounds Themes
Now server owners can customize OpenCreative+ sounds as they want in config.yml. Example:
# This section allows you to set custom
# sounds. If sound is not listed here,
# build-in sound will be used instead.
# Themes are useful for special days
# or holidays.
# Themes can be changed with:
# /oc sounds [theme name]
# To add sound from resource pack use
# name: ""
# lobby, lobby-music, opencreative, reloading, reloaded, menu-next-page, menu-previous-page, menu-open-world-access,
# menu-next-choice, menu-open-generation, menu-open-environment, menu-open-world-settings, menu-open-world-moderation,
# menu-open-recommendations, menu-open-own-worlds-browser, menu-open-worlds-browser, menu-open-entities-browser,
# menu-open-values-browser, menu-open-confirmation, menu-generation-change, menu-environment-change, menu-entities-browser-sort,
# menu-worlds-browser-sort, menu-worlds-browser-category, menu-world-search, menu-generate-structures-change, world-generation,
# world-connection, world-connected, world-liked, world-disliked, welcome-to-new-world, world-mode-build, world-mode-dev,
# world-now-builder, world-now-developer, world-now-developer-guest, world-kicked, world-banned, player-cancel, player-fail,
# player-error, player-teleport, player-respawn, world-code-error, world-code-compile-error, world-code-critical-error,
# world-settings-flag-change, world-settings-category-set, world-settings-time-change, world-settings-autosave-on,
# world-settings-autosave-off, world-settings-sharing-public, world-settings-sharing-private, world-settings-spawn-teleport,
# world-settings-spawn-set, world-settings-owner-set, world-purchase, world-remove-entity, world-teleport-to-entity,
# world-teleport-entity-to-me, dev-connected, dev-not-allowed, dev-open-chest, dev-open-barrel, dev-closed-chest,
# dev-closed-barrel, dev-set-event, dev-set-action, dev-set-condition, dev-set-target, dev-set-method, dev-set-function,
# dev-var-list, dev-platform-color, dev-platform-claim, dev-action-target, dev-action-with-chest, dev-condition-not,
# dev-condition-default, dev-cycle-delay-decrease, dev-cycle-delay-increase, dev-cycle-delay-set, dev-cycle-named,
# dev-function-named, dev-method-named, dev-variable-parameter, dev-next-parameter, dev-change-category, dev-take-value,
# dev-value-set, dev-text-set, dev-number-set, dev-particle-set, dev-variable-set, dev-variable-change, dev-fly-speed-change, d
# ev-potion-set, dev-location-set, dev-location-teleport, dev-location-teleport-back, dev-event-value-set, dev-vector-set,
# dev-boolean-true, dev-boolean-false, dev-move-blocks-right, dev-move-blocks-left, dev-debug-on, dev-debug-off, maintenance-notify,
# maintenance-count, maintenance-start, maintenance-end, world-load, world-unload, world-deletion
theme: "default"
name: "music_disc.precipice"
pitch: 0.1
name: "music_disc.chirp"
pitch: 1.7
To add custom sounds, just edit in config.yml and add similar themes as christmas. Sounds from resource packs should be supported, example:
name: ""
pitch: 1.3
Other changes
- Updated some menus
- Changed ChatEvent to AsyncChatEvent
- World's activity time and creation time are stored in memory.
- Fixed some bugs.
This update contains changes in localization file, to replace current localization file with new, use /oc resetlocale
This update contains changes to config.yml, so you need to add or remove some fields.
This update contains changes to localization files, so you need to remove current and replace with new using /oc resetlocale.
If you're updating you should make a backup of worlds.
New Entities Browser menu
Now players can control entities in their worlds with /world mobs, or click icon in settings menu. It allows to:
- Teleport to entity
- Teleport entity to player
- Remove entity
Worlds storage change
In previous versions (5.2, 5.1, 5.0...) we stored your worlds in unloadedWorlds
folder, sometimes worlds could be outside this folder.
This version will use /planets/
folder to store your worlds. Before updating to this version it's recommended to backup your worlds.
If you already have OpenCreative+ worlds, plugin should move worlds folders to /planets/ folder by itself, but if you don't want to wait,
then just rename unloadedWorlds
folder to planets
Configuration changes
- Section
from config.yml is updated and renamed tocommands
. Now you can add commands that will be executed on any of 5 listed events. You can set command executor as console (console: true) or player (console: false). Also you can change delay of commands. Commands will support some placeholders and from PlaceholderAPI too.
onLobby: # %player%
command: "discordsrv broadcast test"
console: true
delay: 0
onPlanetConnect: {} # %planet% -> Planet's ID, %player% -> player's name
onPlanetDisconnect: {} # %planet%, %player%
onWorldChat: {} # %message%, %formatted%
onCreativeChat: {} # %message%, %formatted%
- Added new requirements for
section: How many seconds player should play on server before creating world, How many seconds should be passed before world can be rated with /like, /dislike.
played-seconds: 30
creation-seconds: 300
- For player groups now you can set up a Advertisement Price and /Like reward. To use economy you need to have Vault and Essentials installed.
# ...
advertisement-cost: 0
like-reward: 1
# ...
Some rewritten code
We refactored AbstractMenu and Placeholders classes.
- Fixed issue with event values menu
- 30 player actions was duplicated to 30 entity actions. Now you can fully control mobs!
- Added 3 players actions: Damage player, Set view distance, Set simulation distance
- Added 1 world action: Copy and paste blocks
- Added 1 player event: Player crafted item
This update includes changes to localization file, to remove current and replace with new use /oc resetlocale.
New functions and some fixes of 5.0.
- Now worlds save icon's item additional data. Heads from HeadDatabase, custom banners will be saved correctly and it will add a little more appearance for your worlds.
- Search worlds by owner's name with LMB+SHIFT click.
- Added
section in config.yml, that has rules for changing world's name, description and ID. You can change required minimal amount of symbols, maximum amount of symbols for all, and pattern only for ID. So you can block cyrillic symbols, if you don't want.
# Copy and paste it in plugins/OpenCreative/config.yml
min-length: 4
max-length: 30
min-length: 4
max-length: 256
pattern: "^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_]+$"
min-length: 2
max-length: 16
- Now you can hide Not Found Message, warnings, critical errors messages from console in config.yml
# Add these fields into config.yml in messages section
critical-errors: true # To hide, set false
warnings: true # To hide, set false
not-found: true # To hide, set false
- Now items will be checked by PersistentDataContainer, not by translation. You're able to make items names same and it will not cause problems.
- Fixed wrong spectator coloring (only for hide-from-tab: spectator)
- Fixed an issue with world border actions
- Fixed an issue with transferring world's ownership
- Fixed visual glitch with item when deleting world
This update contains some changes for localization files, so use /oc resetlocale to remove current and replace with new one.
Things will be different.
Minecraft version change
This version requires Paper 1.21 version instead of 1.16.5.
World generation
We want to make your worlds different. World generation menu was updated and now you can choose world generation type, environment and structures generation.
Worlds browser
Meet with recommended worlds, that are displayed on first page of worlds browser. To mark world as recommended you need to add world's ID to recommended-worlds
list in config.yml. Recommendations show highly rated and really good worlds to visit for players.
A new Coding
Meet with new many blocks and coding features.
- New blocks: Cycle, Function, Method, Code Action, World Action, Variable Action, Entity Action, Player Condition, Variable Condition, World Condition, World Event, Entity Event, Call Function, Call Method.
- New 50 events, 230 actions, 80 conditions.
- New coding values: Number, Location, Event value, Variable, Boolean, Potion, Particle, Vector.
- New coding items: Blocks mover, arrow NOT, fly speed changer.
- Developers world changes: not visible borders, anti-fall bounces.
- Now actions and conditions have chest UI with hints to put coding values.
- Added variables: Local, Global, Saved.
- Changed normal and critical errors messages.
Coding Environment
Now you can change your developers world and make changes while executing code.
- Added coding platforms creation (up to 9).
- Added platforms colors customization.
- Added time changer.
- Added chest/barrel replacer.
- Added debug mode.
- Added variables list, size commands.
- Added functions, methods and special events execution commands.
World Settings
Now world settings menu has beautiful UI to make your world changes easier.
- Added auto-save option.
- Added mobs remover.
- Added world's owner changer.
These commands are useful for normal players and for server developers. It includes vanilla commands, but they will check player's current world permissions.
- Added player commands: /gamemode, /teleport, /give, /playsound, /stopsound, /environment, /locate, /world deletemobs, /world info, /time, /weather
- Added developers commands: /creative resetlocale, /creative print, /creative maintenance, /creative kick-all, /creative unload, /creative load, /creative creative-chat, /creative deprecated, /creative corrupted, /creative list, /creative template.
Maintenance mode
Maintenance mode can be used to temporary disallow players without permissions to create worlds.
Config changes
- Groups now have per player limit modificators, /dev and /play permissions.
- Added maintenance, debug fields.
- Branding for messages.
- Now you can change lobby world and sound.