Update 1.0.4 changelog
- Changed Sekiro Armor to a geckolib model, the armor now has animations
- Added new GUI, press Z
- Sekiro Armor now provides jumpboost
- Player Animation Added for Swings, Sakura Dance, Backstep, Ashina Cross and Dragon Flash
- Ashina Cross slightly reworked
- Added New Combat Art: Mortal Draw
- Added Prosthetic Tool: Lazulite Axe
- Added Prosthetic Tool: Sparking Axe
- Added Feature: Posture now regenerates depending players HP
- Added Feature: Posture Heals 40% quicker when player is guarding
- Added new GUI: Posture
- Improved Sound effects
- Art Items now have its own GUI.
- Parrying doesn't cause visual effects when an entity is stunned
- Dragon Flash no longer breaks blocks due to complications.